Yingfa Chen


2024 国庆之后

刚刚放完 🇨🇳 国庆假,从东莞回来了北京继续我的博士生涯。这几个月感觉事情特别多,虽然很充实,但也很累,刚好这个七天长假(实际只有五天)可以让我喘口气。很久没有写博客了,上一次关于我自己的博客内容好像就是去年国庆之后的。刚好过一年,也可以当作一个年度总结吧。

3.2k words, 10 min


(EREN) Robust and Scalable Model Editing for Large Language Models

GitHub | Paper (upcoming)

TL;DR: A reader is augmented with a growing notebook that caches all edits in natural texts, and the reader retrieves relevant edits and make inference based on them. This achieves SOTA in model editing in QA and fact-checking.

525 words, 3 min


InfiniteBench: Extending Long Context Evaluation Beyond 100K Tokens

Code | Paper

The first benchmark for evaluating the effectiveness of LLMs in handling more than 100k tokens!

In the paper, we name it $\infty$-Bench, but I will sometimes use "InfiniteBench" in this blog post for better readability.

Finally got some time to write this blog, been so busy lately! I have been in a fairly long duration of research hiatus, meanwhile the field of NLP has been revolutionized by an overwhelming number of new LLMs. Finally, I was able to arrive at some productive and meaningful work in this new era of research, as a second author. In this blog post, I will introduce this work that I have been working on recently.

1.1k words, 7 min



Safety and Ethical Concerns of Large Language Models

I will be holding a seminar at ModelBest (面壁智能) in Sep 20, 2023 in Beijing, Haidian, 科技园. The seminar will be in Chinese, and it's called "大模型安全与伦理问题" (translation: Safety and Ethical Concerns of Large Language Models). Below is a list of references.

635 words, 3 min



之前有过个人主页,但是一直没有弄好,更没有更新。最近我将自己的 GitHub 的用户名改了,导致之前的 GitHub Pages 失效了,就趁机重新搭建个人主页。

兜兜转转,还是决定使用 Hexo。以前用过 Jekyll,觉得还行,但是真的不想用 Ruby,Hugo 又太麻烦。

1.1k words, 4 min


CFDBench: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Machine Learning Methods in Fluid Dynamics

Code | Paper (on hold by ArXiv) | Paper (preprints.org) | 知乎

I did this work with my girlfriend, whose research direction is computational fluid dynamics (CFD). We observed that there are numerous research works in applying deep learning (DL) to solve CFD problems. E.g., Pangu-Weather have shown that DL methods can not only be more accurate than the best numerical methods, but can also be multiple magnitudes faster.

312 words, 1 min



现在是 2023 年五月十七,马上硕士一年级就结束,在清华园已经快五年了,感觉对我人生的影响真的巨大。这一年认识了很可爱的 00,希望可以一直走下去。

我和 00 的孩子们:

239 words, 1 min

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