Yingfa Chen


(EREN) Robust and Scalable Model Editing for Large Language Models

GitHub | Paper (upcoming)

TL;DR: A reader is augmented with a growing notebook that caches all edits in natural texts, and the reader retrieves relevant edits and make inference based on them. This achieves SOTA in model editing in QA and fact-checking.

525 words, 3 min



Safety and Ethical Concerns of Large Language Models

I will be holding a seminar at ModelBest (面壁智能) in Sep 20, 2023 in Beijing, Haidian, 科技园. The seminar will be in Chinese, and it's called "大模型安全与伦理问题" (translation: Safety and Ethical Concerns of Large Language Models). Below is a list of references.

635 words, 3 min

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