I will be holding a seminar at ModelBest (面壁智能) in Sep 20, 2023 in Beijing, Haidian, 科技园. The seminar will be in Chinese, and it's called "大模型安全与伦理问题" (translation: Safety and Ethical Concerns of Large Language Models). Below is a list of references.


  • Galactica: A Large Language Model for Science
  • https://openai.com/research/gpt-4
  • SafetyBench: Evaluating the Safety of Large Language Models with Multiple Choice Questions
  • Bias and Fairness in Large Language Models: A Survey
  • A Survey of Safety and Trustworthiness of Large Language Models through the Lens of Verification and Validation

Evaluation Methods

  • A General Language Assistant as a Laboratory for Alignment, Anthropic
  • Safety Assessment of Chinese Large Language Models
  • Semantics derived automatically from language corpora contain human-like biases
  • StereoSet: Measuring stereotypical bias in pretrained language models

Instruction Attacks

  • Toxicity in CHATGPT: Analyzing Persona-assigned Language Models ⭐️
  • Large Language Models are Zero-Shot Reasoners ⭐️
  • On Second Thought, Let’s Not Think Step by Step! Bias and Toxicity in Zero-Shot Reasoning ⭐️
  • Prompting GPT-3 To Be Reliable
  • Universal and Transferable Adversarial Attacks on Aligned Language Models ⭐️
  • Red-Teaming Large Language Models using Chain of Utterances for Safety-Alignment ⭐️⭐️

Exaggerated Safety

  • XSTEST: A Test Suite for Identifying Exaggerated Safety Behaviours in Large Language Models ⭐️
  • Safety-Tuned LLaMAs: Lessons From Improving the Safety of Large Language Models that Follow Instructions ⭐️

Alignment Methods

⭐️: important

⭐️⭐️: very important

My Thoughts

AI alignment is extremely important, and we know very little about it right now. In my everyday use of ChatGPT, it occasionally refuses to help me. This is presumably because it thinks that assisting me is harmful, while it's actually not. This is a problem of "exaggerated safety", and it is very similar to the overgeneralization model editing, which is a problem I have worked on previous (see my publication, EREN). I think using classifier on top (a simple safe guard), along with prompting methods[1] and currect alignment methods is a viable solution (seem to work fairly well in ChatGPT), but as we can see from the technical report of Claude 2, the helpfulness of the model significantly drops after alignment. Therefore, I think minimizing the sacrifice in helpfulness will be an important direction of future research.

Another concern is that there is no concensus on the goal of alignment. In fact, many people think that the fact that role-playing can be used to jailbreak alignment is not a bad thing per se, especially regarding toxicity, because if the user explicitly tells the AI to role-play a person that slurs a lot, the user expects slurs (one kind of toxicity).

Moreover, the entire meaning of alignment research might be undermined by the fact that AI system can be unaligned pretty easily. This concern is specially severe for works that focus on reducing the cost of alignment, because the same techniques might be used to effectively unalign AI systems.[2]

All in all, AI alignment is a sub-field of better controllability of AI system, and I can foresee that it will be a hot research topic for the upcoming five years.

  1. Basically prepending an prefix that tells it what is unethical and unsafe. ↩︎

  2. Does there exist a way to make AI impossible to unalign? This reminds me of the "mind stamping" (Chinese: 思想钢印) from the Three Body Problem, a novel by Liu Cixin. ↩︎